Test Captions

This is the page main heading

This is the main paragraph. This is the main paragraph. This is the main paragraph. This is the main paragraph. This is the main paragraph.

This is the main paragraph. This is the main paragraph. This is the main paragraph. This is the main paragraph. This is the main paragraph.

First Column. Left aligned captioned image.

This is the left aligned caption.

This is text after the image. This is text after the image. This is text after the image. This is text after the image.

Second Column. Right aligned captioned image.

This is the right aligned caption.

This is text after the image. This is text after the image. This is text after the image. This is text after the image.

Third Column. Centered aligned.

This is the center aligned caption.

This is text after the image. This is text after the image. This is text after the image. This is text after the image.

Fourth Column. No alignment.

This is the caption without alignment.

This is text after the image. This is text after the image. This is text after the image. This is text after the image.